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Personal Journal #9 – I must confess, I can’t handle clutter

Really, clutter is something that I can’t stand.  It makes me physically anxious and I get mean and upset.  I get a very short fuse when I turn around and around in the house and all I see is clutter.  I feel like I can’t move, that I’m boxed in.  I guess one thing is for sure, I won’t be on A&E’s Hoarders.

I’m also getting sick of not making any progress with this weight thing.  I know I need to be patient.  I know if I just stick with it, I will eventually reach my goal. OMG, I can smell the pizza rolls Jason made… they smell so good.  I’ve had two ham and cheese English muffins (300 calories, 6g fat) with a cup of No Sugar Added fruit cocktail (120 calories, no fat).  Then I had two bags of the low fat 100 calorie packs of pop corn as a snack.  I’m “so” looking forward to my lean cuisine tonight – (can you hear the sarcasm?)

I’ll be glad when I can use my personal journal to share good news… 🙂